Alchemy  1.0
A framework to robustly process network messages and structured data
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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oNHgThe MIT License(MIT)

|oCAndTakes the logical and of the two input types. The types passed in must have a static boolean value named "value"
|oCarray_traitA sequence type that has a fixed size
|oCatReturns the value of the item at the specified index
|oCat< MT, 0 >Specialization that handles an MT sequence
|oCat< MT, IdxT >Specialization that handles an MT sequence
|oCat< SeqT, 0 >Terminating case that returns the value at the specified index.
|oCback< MT >Specialization for an MT TypeList
|oCback< TypeList< TMP_ARRAY_32(T)> >This allows the last type of the list to be returned
|oCbasic_msgAn object that defines and manages access to a formatted message buffer
|oCBitFieldRepresents a single entry for a bit field type definition
|oCBitFieldArrayRepresents a set of fields that provide homogeneous bit-field access to each of the data values
|oCBitFieldVectorRepresents a set of fields that provide homogeneous bit-field access to each of the data values
|oCcontainer_traitA container_trait describes any type that is not a fundamental type or bitfield. These types facilitate more complex data structures
|oCContainerSizeCalculates the static size of the container passed in. This value is equivalent to the offset of the "end" item in the container
|oCcontainsSearches the integer_sequence and indicates of the specified value is found
|oCDatumA type-wrapper that provides transparent access to a range of memory in a message buffer as if it were the specified type itself
|oCdynamic_fieldsExtracts index values of the vector types in a message
|oCdynamic_size_traitIndicates the field or message has a dynamic size determined at run-time
|oCempty_typeCompares types against the MT type
|oCEndianTypePolicy class used to perform byte-order operations
|oCEndianType< T, false >Policy class used to perform byte-order operations
|oCfindSearches the integer_sequence for a value and returns the position. If the value is not found, Hg::npos is returned
|oCfind< MT, ValueT >Searches the integer_sequence for a value and returns the position. If the value is not found, Hg::npos is returned
|oCfront< MT >Specialization for an MT Type Container
|oCfront< TypeList< TMP_ARRAY_32(T)> >This allows the first type of the list to be returned
|oCfundamental_traitFundamental_trait identifies fundamental integral types
|oCGetTailReturns the Tail of an Integral Sequence. This is similar to PopFront, however, as soon as a 0 is encountered, MT will be returned, rather than the remainder of the list
|oCGetTail< MT >Specialization of GetTail for the MT node type
|oChas_dynamicTemplate to determine if a container has any dynamically sized entry types
|oCHostByteOrderTByte-order management policy for network data transfers
|oCinstance_ofThis construct provides mechanism to declare and initialize compile-time global constants
|oCinteger_sequenceA parameterized type that is a sequence of integer values
|oCis_opaqueDetect a sequence type that uses an unsigned char (byte_t)
|oCis_opaque< std::array< byte_t, N > >Detect a std::array opaque type. N is the number of entries
|oCis_opaque< std::vector< byte_t, A > >Detect a std::vector opaque type. A is the allocator
|oCis_std_arrayDetect a std::array type. This is the default false case
|oCis_std_array< std::array< T, N > >Detect a std::array type. This version identifies the std::array
|oCis_std_vectorDetect a std::vector type. This is the default false case
|oCis_std_vector< std::vector< T, A > >Detect a std::vector type. This version identifies the std::vector. T is the type the vector contains, A is the allocator
|oCIsTailEmptyCompares the tail-type of the sequence and indicates if the type is empty
|oCIsTailEmpty< MT >Specialization for an MT type sequence.
|oClengthCount the number of elements in the specified type container
|oCmake_Hg_type_listCreates a type list suitable for processing within Hg messages
|oCMessageAn object that defines and manages access to a formatted message buffer
|oCmessage_size_traitIndicates the type size the specified message is, static or dynamic
|oCmsg_sizeReports the number of bytes this message object occupies. This instance of size calculates the size for dynamically sized messages
|oCmsg_size< T, false >Specialization returns the size of a fixed size message
|oCmsg_viewThe MsgView object to manage structured access over an opaque buffer
|oCmsg_view_const_iteratorIterator for nonmutable msg_view
|oCmsg_view_iteratorIterator for a mutable msg_view
|oCMsgBufferMsgBuffer Template Definition. This abstracts the behavior of the buffer with respect to the Byte-Order of the message
|oCMsgBuffer< BufferedStaticStoragePolicy >(Static) MsgBuffer Template Definition. This class is a specialization of the template MsgBuffer, and uses a static_storage_policy
|oCMTA type to represent an MT type for defining type lists and type arrays
|oCnested_traitA nested type indicates that the data that is contained within, possibly requires an internal inspection to facilitate correct behavior
|oCNetByteOrderTByte-order management policy for network data transfers
|oCNotTakes the logical not of the type. The type passed in must have a static boolean value named "value"
|oCOffsetOfCalculate the pointer offset in bytes for the specified type
|oCOffsetOf< 0, ContainerT >The item at index 0 will always have an offset of 0
|oCone_or_zeroCasts a static const boolean to an int of one or a zero
|oCone_or_zero< false >Specialization for the false condition of the bool selector
|oCopaque_array_traitIndicates the format of the array data is undefined, opaque
|oCopaque_traitIndicates the fields format is undefined and will be determined by context
|oCopaque_valueDetect if the current value type is opaque
|oCopaque_vector_traitIndicates the format of the vector data is undefined, opaque
|oCOrTakes the logical or of the input types. The types passed in must have a static boolean value named "value"
|oCpacked_traitPacked_trait identifies fundamental integral types, that automatically perform bit-shift and mask operations to simulate bit-fields
|oCpop_front< TypeList< TPop, TMP_ARRAY_31(T)> >This allows the first type of the list to be removed, and the remainder of the list will become the type typedef
|oCpop_front< TypeNode< T1, T2 > >Specialization for a TypeNode
|oCpush_back< TypeList< TMP_ARRAY_32(T)>, T >This allows the a new type to be pushed at the back of the list. The new list will become the typedef of the pushed type and the existing type list
|oCpush_front< MT, T >Specialization for an MT TypeList: results with type T and empty
|oCpush_front< TypeList< TMP_ARRAY_32(T)>, T >This allows the a new type to be pushed at the front of the list. The new list will become the typedef of the pushed type and the existing type list
|oCpush_front< TypeNode< T1, T2 >, T >Specialization for a TypeNode: TypeList
|oCreverseReverses the order the values in an integral_sequence
|oCreverse_nodesReverses the order the nodes in an integral_node list
|oCreverse_nodes< ToT, MT >A terminating case for reversal of an integral_node list
|oCsequence_traitSequence types are a class of types that contain more than one element of the same type in series
|oCSizeAtCalculate the size in bytes for the specified type
|oCSizeOfTemplate to determine the size of a type or type container
|oCstatic_size_traitIndicates the field or message has a fixed static size at compile-time
|oCStaticStoragePolicyStorage Policy implementation for fixed-size memory buffers
|oCStoragePolicyStorage Policy implementation for contiguous memory buffers
|oCTailValueSafely extracts the last value in an integral sequence
|oCTailValue< MT >Specialization to TailValue for the MT type node
|oCtype_checkStatic Assertion Base Template to verify type constraints for an object
|oCTypeAtReturn the type at the specified array index
|oCTypeListA template-type list that is composed from a collection of types
|oCTypeNodeA fundamental type used for template meta-programming type containers
|oCTypeNode< H, MT >A terminator for TypeNode chains
|oCvalue_ifThis construct provides the compile-time equivalent of the ternary operator ?: for value selection
|oCvalue_if< false, T, trueValue, falseValue >Specialization for the false condition of the value selector
|oCvector_traitA sequence type that represents a dynamically sized field
|\Cyes_tAffirmative Type for use in SFINAE selection templates
|oCconditionalProvides an implementation of a compile-time conditional when the local library does not support it
|\Cconditional< false, TrueType, FalseType >Specialization for the false condition of the conditional